Housewife Dies of Dengue While Undergoing Treatment at RMCH

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Joy Christopher Biswas: An 18-year-old housewife, Mosa. Shobha, from Bheramara Upazila, Kushtia, succumbed to dengue fever while receiving treatment at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (Ramek). She passed away at approximately 5 a.m. on Monday.

The Director of Ramek Hospital, Brigadier General FM Shamim Ahmed, confirmed the incident. According to him, Shobha had been suffering from physical weakness and nausea for six days. She was admitted to the hospital on Sunday afternoon and was moved to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to the severity of her condition. Sadly, she passed away early Monday morning.

Brigadier General Ahmed further reported that 11 new dengue patients were admitted to the hospital by Monday, while six others were discharged after treatment. Currently, a total of 34 dengue patients remain under care at Ramek Hospital.